
I studied Computer Science at ETH Zürich between 2014 and 2019, where I obtained my Master’s Degree with specialization in Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Game Programming.

I did my Bachelor Thesis at Disney Research and my Master Thesis at the Game Technology Center, where I did projects in the field of video games, with procedural animation and procedural generation of levels respectively.

I enjoy software development and, as you might have guessed, programming games. I have experience in gameplay, game engine, AI, graphics and physics programming. The main languages I use are C++ and C#.



I have a great passion for video games and I have been programming several demos, prototypes and even bigger projects over the years.

Some of my projects were showcased at exhibitions, including Gamescom (Cologne, Germany), Ludicious (Zürich, Switzerland) and the Zürich Game Show (Switzerland).

I am particularly interested in procedural generation, emergent gameplay and the the engineering and implementation of complex systems.

You can find some of my projects below. Have fun!


I recently started writing devlogs for some of the games and projects shown below, to share some of the techniques used and other insights I hope might be useful to someone. You can check them out here (wip):


I gave a lecture during the Game Programming Lab at ETH with the title “How not to completely mess up your code“, showcasing how to organize a game engine for the students taking the course. You can find the slides here.

August 2018

A simple but chaotic warehouse management game with co-op for 1-4 players.

Made in 72h for Ludum dare 42. 4th most played game in the jam, rated top 100. Showcased at Zurich Game Show 2018.

February – August 2018

Two teams of dumb thieves try to rob the same bank at the same time.

Made as part of the Game Programming Lab at ETH in a team of 5 in a semester using MonoGame. 2nd place. Showcased at Gamescom 2018.

October 2018 – April 2019

“Emergent Personalized Content in Video Games”

A game that analyzes how the user behaves and procedurally generates levels to better suit the play-style and increase enjoyment. Uses the Wave Function Collapse algorithm.

Master Thesis done at the Game Technology Center (ETH).

August 2019

Help a lonely Lemon defend his prized citrous base from spiky alien enemies in this Lunar quest.

Entry for the GMTK (Game Maker’s Toolkit) 2019 Jam, with theme “only one”.

February – August 2017

Several VR and AR demos developed to showcase the potential of physically simulated characters correctly responding to impacts in video games.

Developed as part of my Bachelor Thesis at Disney Research Zurich in Unity and C++.

September – December 2017

Impersonate a WW2 soldier of one of the main powers and try to survive in a claustrophobic bunker during a (very original) zombie invasion.

Made as hobby project in Unity to learn how to develop a third-person shooter with character controller, AI and navigation.

November 2014 – October 2015

Help a french painter finish his artwork by splatting crazy ink-filled creatures on his canvas!

My first big gaming project developed for mobile while learning Unity. Made with the help of an external artist. Features procedural levels.

February 2019

A minimalistic implementation of the classic board game “Pandemic” with online features to play with your friends. Features remote communication via server, a console-based command line to insert moves and a chat.

A project I did to explore writing custom network communication and full game serialization.

Procedural Islands

November 2015

Several small prototypes trying to generate procedural islands using a variety of algorithms, from Voronoi diagrams, diamond-square and Perlin noise to distortion, marching squares and height-map techniques.

Inspired by a terrain-generation paper by the creators of the game “Tribal Trouble”.

Rag Doll Simulation

December 2016

Implementation of a custom physics simulation to animate rag-dolls with point particles for joints, using primitives collision  and constraints.

Developed in a team of 3 as part of the lecture “Physically Based Simulations” at ETH. Obtained 3rd place overall.